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Version: 0.2.0

Recording Your Tab

CowLoom allows you to easily record your current tab, complete with both audio from the webpage and your own voice. Follow these steps to start and stop your recordings.

Starting Recording

  1. Open the Tab: Begin by opening the tab you want to record, such as a YouTube video or any other webpage.

  2. Click the ⚪ Icon: In your Chrome Toolbar, you'll find the CowLoom icon represented by a white circle (⚪). Click on this icon to open the Popup Menu.

  3. Start Recording: Within the Popup Menu, click the "Start Recording" button. This will initiate the recording process.

  4. Alternative Methods:

    • Right-click on the page and select "Record" from the CowLoom SubMenu Section.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Y to start recording.

Stopping Recording

  1. Click the 🔴 Icon: To stop your recording, click on the red square icon (🔴) located in your Chrome Toolbar. This will open the Popup Menu.

  2. Stop Recording: Within the Popup Menu, click the "Stop Recording" button. This action will conclude the recording.

  3. Alternative Methods:

    • Right-click on the page and choose "Stop Recording" from the CowLoom SubMenu Section.
    • Utilize the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Y to halt the recording process.

Pausing Recording

  1. Click the 🔴 Icon: To pause your recording, click on the pause icon (⏸) located in your Chrome Toolbar. This will open the Popup Menu.

  2. Pause Recording: Within the Popup Menu, click the "Pause Recording" button. This action will temporarily pause the recording.

  3. Alternative Methods:

    • Right-click on the page and select "Pause Recording" from the CowLoom SubMenu Section.

Resuming Recording

  1. Click the ⏸ Icon: To resume your recording, click on the play icon (⏯) located in your Chrome Toolbar. This will open the Popup Menu.

  2. Resume Recording: Within the Popup Menu, click the "Resume Recording" button. This action will resume the recording.

  3. Alternative Methods:

    • Right-click on the page and choose "Resume Recording" from the CowLoom SubMenu Section.

Discarding Recording

  1. Click the 🔴 Icon: To discard your recording, click on the red square icon (🔴) located in your Chrome Toolbar. This will open the Popup Menu.
  2. Discard Recording: Within the Popup Menu, click the "Discard Recording" button. This action will stop the recording and delete the video file.
  3. Alternative Methods:
    • Right-click on the page and select "Discard Recording" from the CowLoom SubMenu Section.

Using the Popup Menu

The CowLoom Popup Menu provides convenient access to various recording options and information.

  1. Access the Popup Menu: Simply click on the ⚪ icon in your Toolbar to open the Popup Menu.

  2. Available Actions:

    • Start and stop recording with ease.
    • Check the current recording status and view the duration of the recording.
    • Toggle the extension's ability to record audio from your microphone.

Draggable Recording Indicator Ribbon

While a recording is in progress, a red ribbon will appear at the top of the tab. This ribbon serves as a visual indicator, showing that the recording is actively capturing content. It also displays the current duration of the recording.

The ribbon will automatically disappear when you stop the recording or refresh the page.

  • Draggable Ribbon: You can click and drag the ribbon to move it to a different location on the page. This is useful if the ribbon is blocking important content.

Accessing Recorded Content

Once you've completed a recording, Chrome will automatically download the video file as recording.webm. If multiple recordings are made, they will be numbered sequentially (e.g., recording-1.webm, recording-2.webm, and so on).